Asana And Todoist

  1. Todoist Asana Integration
  2. Todoist Vs Asana
  3. Asana And Todoist
  4. Asana To Do List
Two-way sync where a task created in Todoist will trigger creation of task in Asana

Hopefully this makes sense. Right now I have a 'scenario' inside Integromat that detects new Todoist tasks in the root of a Todoist/Asana project tree and copies it up to the Asana user's workspace in a project called 'Inbox' and then it deletes the original Todoist task since I know that Pleexy will sync it back down into the Inbox subproject. Todoist misses some of the more important features for business that Asana has, such as messaging and detailed tracking, but Todoist Business does seem to address some of those. In any case it probably requires paid access to use functionally for business, which is a bit beyond my intended uses right now. Stay on top of your task list by automatically creating, updating and organizing them in Todoist. Do much more by connecting Asana and Todoist. Create your own Integration Connect Asana and Todoist the.


Asana vs Todoist. I've used both over the years and am currently using Todoist for most of my tasks and projects. I'm working on a collaboration plan for my department and am looking at both for the team. We are using MS Teams for collaboration and Asana does. Asana provides features like Email Integration, Task Management, Time Tracking, Data Imports/Exports, Activity Management, etc. Whereas, Todoist provides Task Management, Time Tracking, Activity Management, Workflow Management, Collaboration and other such functionalities. Autosys extended calendar.

Chad Lawson
This is such an obvious feature request that I am surprised it hasn't been done yet.
And it's such a critical one that I have cobbled together a scenario in Integromat to try to replicate the functionality, but it's a total hack that shouldn't be necessary.
While I like Asana's capabilities, I can't stand its interface. That's why using Pleexy to get my tasks from Asana into the more friendly Todoist is worth paying for.
But I need to be able to send content back up as well.
@Chad Lawson: Hi Chad, thank you for the feedback! We've considered supporting this but we need to gather a lot more info to ensure it doesn't complicate the connection setup considering the many possible destinations in Asana. Ideally, where would you expect newly added Todoist tasks to appear in Asana?
Chad Lawson
@Denise Rebollido: Hi, Denise. Thanks for replying. I can think of a couple different options that could depend on how a user has things like the 'Destination' section defined. So I'm going to 'stream of consciousness' a few ideas and let's see what makes sense:
Asana And Todoist
  1. The easiest one of all is to have any new task created in the destination project (or parent project) just gets put inside Asana without a project defined, just inside the workspace itself.
1a. If the user (like me) has the option, 'Tasks for each Asana project are created in corresponding projects under ______ according to project names..' selected, then whatever that ______ project is at the top of Todoist becomes the 'inbox' for projects copied up to Asana.
1b. If they are using the 'Create all tasks in the ________ project' instead, then all new tasks in that project get synced up to the workspace outside a project.
  1. Based on the 'Destination' options mentioned above, put the new task in the matching project/section in Asana.
  2. While I like this one the least, you could just copy them to the user's 'Personal Projects' workspace and let them move it around for sync back down.
  3. The easiest way is to have the user select a project in both Asana and Todoist that becomes the tunnel. Anything dropped into the Todoist end gets synced back up. Then if they move/copy the task to another project in Asana, it would sync back down in that space.
But to answer your question of, '..[i]deally, where would you expect newly added Todoist tasks to appear in Asana?' I can only answer that one personally. I prefer options 1[a,b]. Have the Destination selection drive where the tasks come from and go. The section and task title templates would assist and guide that.
What I would love to have is this: Let's say, I have my workspace syncing to subprojects under a parent Todoist project called 'Work Asana' and I create a task inside the subproject called, 'Project X,' in the section called, 'Reports,' then when Pleexy syncs and sees a new task that isn't in Asana, it creates the Asana task in the corresponding project/section with the label of 'Todoist' and appends the Asana link to the Todoist task description along the lines of: 'Generate report for Bob (See in Asana)' That way the label and the markdown link* identify the origin.
Hopefully this makes sense. Right now I have a 'scenario' inside Integromat that detects new Todoist tasks in the root of a Todoist/Asana project tree and copies it up to the Asana user's workspace in a project called 'Inbox' and then it deletes the original Todoist task since I know that Pleexy will sync it back down into the Inbox subproject. So this is somewhere between 1a and 3. It's not ideal, but it (mostly) works.
I hope I didn't make you regret asking, but if you are considering implementing this, I hope I've provided some good, actionable ideas.
* And I'm about to create another feature request, so you're hearing it first: I truly despise that tasks synced down from Asana make the ENTIRE DESCRIPTION a link. My mail client has integration into todoist and just appends a '(Open email in Spark)' to the end of the description instead. It's just better looking aesthetically speaking.
P.S. I created two examples of Markdown links as used in Todoist for my comment and your parser turned them into actual links. I'm going to try to put in the url encoding symbols in a moment and see if that helps. If not, I trust you'll see the links and realize what I tried to do.
P.P.S. Nope. I made a couple attempts, but struck out against's rendering engine. I'm trusting you to figure it out or ask me.
Sara Damiano
I would like to have the same, but for tasks from To Do to Asana.

Todoist Asana Integration

@Denise Rebollido the way I imagine this feature is by having the ability to set up two-way syncing between a project in Asana and a project in Todoist. All the tasks in those two projects would be synced in real time, so if you add one task to Asana it will be created in Todoist and viceversa.
Another option would be to, in addition to having a Todoist - Asana integration, have an Asana - Todoist integration. That way you could achieve the two-way sync by creating two different connections, one for each way.
This feature is one of the highest ranking for a long time now, can we please have an update on this?
@Benjamin.tasche: Hi Benjamin, at this point the team is prioritizing support for Todoist sections and adding ClickUp as a source service. They've looked into this feature as a possibility but it's a little trickier to implement with so many different scenarios. We are considering it but it will take some time. In your case, where would you like your tasks to appear in Asana?
@Denise Rebollido: Thanks for the info. In my case the tasks would come from an allready synced project from Asana. When i create a task in Todoist inside of that project i would like to see that task in the Asana project. Another case would be that i have a synced task from Asana where i create subtasks in Todoist. Hope that helps, keep up the awesome work
@Benjamin.tasche: Thanks for sharing your ideal workflow, Benjamin. This has been noted.
Todoist vs asana
Julia Brandão
Please! Without this feature the sync between Asana and Todoist does not meet my need
John S

Todoist Vs Asana


Asana And Todoist

Pieter De Pauw
Is this something that could be considered, @Vic K?
Markus Blomqvist

Asana To Do List
