Garment Sketch Design

Are you interested in fashion design? Do you want to learn how to create amazing dress designing sketches? If so, you’re in the right place.

  • Only use a live model in instances where you need to check the mobility of a garment. Just as we learned in ITTF that sketch blocks can save you a lot of time to develop flats, creating pattern blocks can achieve the same effect for your physical samples. By creating a block pattern specific to your size chart, you can easily adjust.
  • Buy Fashion Business Designer Drawing Clothes Sketch on Paper by Tematopman on VideoHive. Close up of female designer using pencil and sheet of paper for fashion sketches.
  • Fashion Angels Fashion Design Sketch Portfolio (11451) Full Size Sketch Book, Fashion Coloring for Kids,Brown/A & Make-up & Hair Design Sketch Portfolio 4.8 out of 5 stars 66 19.65 $ 19. 65 19.98 $19.98.

Developing the Right Skills for Fashion Design

One of the most important skills to develop for this is the ability to sketch well. In addition to fashion design classes, you will also need to master the art of sketching.

Sketch Garment onto Pose - Video Using your reference, begin to sketch the garment on top of your grid suit drawing. Just like with the figure drawing draft, I tend to loosely. Fashion Angels Fashion Design Sketch Portfolio Artist Set & Fashion Design Sketch Portfolio (11451) Full Size Sketch Book, Fashion Coloring for Kids. 4.8 out of 5 stars. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Make It Real - Disney Descendants 3 Sketchbook.

A popular method used for dress sketching today is grid suits. This allows you to add a professional structure to any type of fashion sketch you create. The grid suit is essentially a grid placed on your fashion figure that lets you outline the dimensions of the body you want to draw your garment on.

Skills to Acquire

While creating a fashion design portfolio will be the end goal for anyone who is interested in this industry, the first step is to learn the basics. Some of the things you need that you need to learn, and master are listed here.

  • Sketching poses and the garment. Take some time to learn how garments and poses interact with one another when creating a fashion illustration.
  • Sketching the poses and creating a grid suit. Learn how to sketch your fashion figure and then apply the grid suit (mentioned before to showcase the form of the figure.
  • Using the grid suit to sketch garments. Learn how to draw your designs/garments on the figure.
  • Finalizing your sketch. The last step is to finalize your sketch and render it using lighting.

Getting Started with Your Fashion Sketching Efforts

Before diving in and thinking you can instantly become the next “big thing” in the world of fashion design, you will have to create your own, personal fashion design toolkit. Keep in mind, the ideas here are generic, but you can customize options based on your personal needs and preferences.

Believe it or not, if you don’t have the right tools, then you will never create a perfect sketch. Learn about the must-have elements for succeeding at your fashion design classes and creating your fashion design portfolio here.

The Sketchbook

The sketchbook you choose will significantly impact the dress designing sketches you are able to create. There are some sketchbooks that have been custom-made specifically for fashion designers. These types of sketchbooks have convenient features, such as paper panels with figure templates included for kids, women’s and men’s designs.

You may even find some sketchbooks that include specialized tape measurers and other accessories to make the entire sketching process easier and more successful.

Drawing Pencils

If you love fashion and sketching, you probably already have a huge collection of drawing pencils. However, you may also buy new ones every chance you get. Various pencils have different purposes. Some of the must-haves for your fashion design collection include 4B, 2B, HB and H pencils. These are ideal for creating basic outlines. You will find there are a number of brands that offer quality drawing pencils, and in some cases, you may have to use a bit of trail and error to find the ones that best suit your needs.

Erasers and Pencil Sharpeners

More essential tools for creating dress designing sketches is erasers and pencil sharpeners. It is crucial you are able to create fine lines when drawing dresses and other fashions. As a result, you have to keep your pencil as sharp as possible. You also need quality erasers. You don’t want any lead marks left behind. This can ruin the entire look of the fashion sketch you create.

Fine Black Pens

While most of your initial sketching will be done with the pencils mentioned above, you will also need some fine black pens on hand at all times. These are the ideal took for adding details and fine-tuning your sketches. Be sure to find a high-quality pen that won’t smudge or fade.

Watercolor Set

Elements of garment design

Once you have created your sketch, you’ll need to add color to your designs. A quality way to do this is with a watercolor set. There are many sets that are designed to travel easily, too. Since you aren’t going to be coloring in large areas with your watercolors, you can opt for tubs.


After you have sketched with your pencils, you can apply your watercolors to the designs you have created. To get the paint from your pan, all you have to do is use one of your brushes to choose a color. Then put the chosen color on your palette and mix it with the colors necessary to get what you want. Always make sure to wash your brushes well before you choose another color. After all, your pan may become contaminated with other colors if you aren’t careful.


Purchasing fashion design markers is a must. These are designed to combine well with other types of media you use, such as ink pens, graphite and pencils. Try to find options that offer both fine and broad tip ends. This allows you to have exactly what you need, without having to carry around too many markers.

The Process of Drawing Fashion Sketches

In the world of fashion, there are new designs presented as a simple, yet elegant hand-drawn sketch prior to ever being cut or sewn into life.

The first step is to draw the croquis. This is the actual figure, or model, that is the base of the sketch. The point isn’t to draw figure with the most realistic features, but to create an essential “canvas” for you to add your dresses or fashions to. You can also add color and various details, such as buttons, seams and ruffles to help really bring your fashion ideas to life.

Once you have gathered your supplies (which are highlighted above), it will be time to determine the pose for your croquis. The croquis is actually the model for your design. The goal here is to draw it in the post that will help to show off your designs best.

You have the option to draw the model bending, sitting, walking or in any other type of position. When you are a beginner, you may want to with a common pose, which will be the runway sketch that shows your model striding or standing on the typical runway. This is the easiest one to draw and it will allow you to illustrate your designs, so they can be fully seen.

  • The goal is to illustrate your designs in a manner that helps them to appear professional, as well as appealing. This means you need to model them on your croquis in a way that they are well-drawn and properly proportioned.
  • There are some fashion designers who have practiced drawing on hundreds of different croquis until they have perfected their ability to sketch a wide array of poses.

Optional Methods to Create Your Croquis

Because the croquis is the foundation or base of your design, having various ways to create it can be beneficial. While being able to draw your own croquis is nice, and it allows you to get the precise proportions that you really want, it may not always be a feasible option. Also, you may not want to spend the time doing this. The good news is, there are a few shortcuts that you can take.

  • You can create a croquis by tracing a model’s outline from an ad or some other picture. All you will need is tracing paper to put over the model that you like and then create a light outline.
  • Print a croquis from an online source. When you do this, you will discover they are available in a wide array of sizes and shapes. For example, you can find croquis options ready to download in the shapes of a busty woman, large man, petite woman, child, baby and more.

Garment Sketch Designs

Using the shortcuts mentioned here will help you save time if you are in a hurry to get your design created, or if you just don’t want to waste time drawing your own croquis.

What to Remember When Creating Fashion Sketches

When you are creating your fashion sketches, you need to remember that everyone – even the greatest fashion designers in the world – had to start somewhere. The more you practice and perfect your skills, the better you will become. Don’t try to “rush” it. It may take you thousands of hours to reach your goals.

The good news is, there are courses and tips out there to help you along the way. The use of a class or course can be invaluable if there is a certain skill you want to get better at. Be sure to find out more about this if you are ready to increase your ability and take your fashion designs to the next level.

Being a fashion designer isn’t easy, but it is a career that will allow you to be creative and show off your creativity by clothing the world. Using the information here, and finding tutorials that help you along the way can be the perfect way to become the amazing fashion designer you have always dreamed of being.

Looking for something to spice up your online designer resume? Try learning animation to add into unique videos all about your work. Find animation tutorials on skillshare today

The Process Of How to Get Clothing Made By Garment Factories
Garment Sketch Design
How to send your designs to manufacturers and get your clothing made. Article covers – the fashion design process of a clothing line and garment manufacturing.
Article by Michael H. of
I’m always asked the question by new fashion designers about how they can send their fashion sketches to manufacturers etc. Many times new designers do not understand the proper method of how garments are made. It is important that aspiring fashion designers understand the process. I will devote this article to talking about the fashion design process, how to get clothing made by garment factories and how fashion design software can make life easier.
The Fashion Design Process works like this. First, a designer has a vision for a garment. He or she may hand sketch it out a little to get the idea on paper. Others may use a fashion designer program from the beginning to create their fashion sketch. Some of these systems even include fashion design templates. For the hand sketching designer – the next step would be to transfer the hand sketch to a computer version. This can be done by using a Fashion Design Software Program like Digital Fashion Pro. You can either totally remake the sketch on computer or scan it in and trace it. Also check out list of 4 awesome items that can help you with launching your own clothing line.
This next part is important. You must know what you are trying to accomplish to proceed. If you are a home sewer, you may be looking for software that makes patterns that you can print. In reality, the next step prior to thinking about patterns is your technical sketch. Once you have your basic computer drafted sketch, you will want to turn it into a technical sketch. A technical sketch is where you actually map out the measurements right on top of the sketch. If you aren’t good with measurements, a couple of different measurement resources like The Specifications (Spec) Hand Book located in our Store for Fashion Entrepreneurs. Plus you can get The Fashion Business Center – to get spec sheet templates and grading sheet templates.
Now once you have your technical sketches and regular sketches saved as JPEG, PDF or PNG, you are now ready to go to the next step. Before I go on, I must stress the importance of computer created sketches. For one reason they look professional and your seamstress, pattern maker or manufacturer will be able to create your garments with better accuracy. Don’t forget you need to do a spec chart to go along with your sketches. By the way, we also offer sourcing to get your clothing samples made, production runs, button making, fashion design services and more. When it comes to designing your own clothing line – a Fashion Software like Digital Fashion Pro can help you go from Beginner to Pro.
The Official Step by Step Guide to Starting a Clothing Line is a good book that will show you how to do your spec charts and how to proceed with getting your clothing made. The book also covers how to work with apparel manufacturers which is very important. I’ve personally worked with many manufacturers from all over the world and I remember the days when I would send hand sketches and the quality of the garments suffered. When we finally switched to sketches created with Fashion Design Software – our quality went up and our manufacturers were pleased with how the sketches looked. They told me that many new designers send hand sketches, but that they preferred computer drafted sketches. Also remember that clothing manufacturers mostly need flat sketches that show all the angles (mainly front and back view). For a list of factories that can make your line see our Ultimate Fashion Contact List.
Okay, let’s get back to the next step. Once you have your regular sketch, technical sketch and your spec chart (full garment tech package) – you are ready for the next phase because completing these items are the foundation for making patterns, samples and production. You can even buy pattern making software if you wish so you can cut and sew your own patterns. Another option is to just send your full garment tech package without an actual cut-out pattern to your clothing manufacturer, seamstress or pattern maker and let them make your pattern or finished garment for you. Many fashion companies take this road. I find that most new designers get hung up on patterns. After 15 years in the business, I’ve learned that in the beginning stages, you really don’t know what the perfect pattern / fit for your garment is. You have to go through trial and error to get to the perfect fit prior to finalizing your master patterns. Understanding specs first should be the first stop for any new designer. Leave the pattern making to the professionals unless you are a home sewer. Get help with this entire process with our Clothing Line CreatorPackage.
Most garment manufactures just need a full garment tech pack as mentioned above and from there they can create a sample garment for you. Most manufactures don’t need your pattern. It is not mandatory. This is an important detail for aspiring fashion designers to know because there is a lot of misconception out there on this. Trying to focus on getting patterns made to early will cost you way more money than you need to be spending in the early stages. If you are sending actual patterns to them, they will still will mostly rely on your technical sketches and spec chart. That is simply how the business works. Read more on how to get your clothing line made.
Now once your garment factory / clothing manufacturer has developed a successful pattern and fit that you like – they will then go off that pattern. You can even ask them to send you a copy of the pattern. There is one exception to this rule. If you garment idea is truly complicated, you may need to have a local seamstress make it for you so that you can send it to your manufacturer. This will ensure they get it right. Still remember that your full garment tech pack must accompany the sample that you are sending them. Many new designers think that just because they send their clothing manufacturer an actual garment that the manufacturer can automatically take the measurements from it and make it. In reality, sometimes they can but most of the time they will still get the measurements wrong. So remember, nothing substitutes having technical sketches and your specification chart.

Garment Sketch Design

Another thing to think about is how you will transmit your files to your manufacturer. It is very easy to just E-mail your computer created fashion sketches to your manufacturer as JPEGs etc. You will save money this way. Imagine every time you created a new pattern, trying to physically mail it to your manufacturer in China etc. It could get costly and time consuming. If you aren’t a home sewer, expensive pattern making services and software is a step you can skip at first. Your real focus should be on creating the best computer sketches you can create with Fashion Design Software.
Another reason why you should use Fashion Design Software like Digital Fashion Pro to create your fashion sketches is because all of the big companies use design software. You don’t want to look like an amateur. If you look at catalogs from most fashion companies, you will find computer created sketches being displayed whenever they aren’t using real clothing shots. Fashion Design Software is good for creating catalogs, storyboards, portfolios, and more. In the new age of technology, fashion design software is a must! There are some affordable choices available. The price range mainly is from $249 all they way up to $3,000 and more. Digital Fashion Pro is one of the best choices because of how user friendly and easy it is to use for professional fashion designers and beginners alike. Microsoft Windows Users and Apple Mac Users can design clothing with it.

Garment Sketch Design Tool

At $349 for the Industry Edition, Digital Fashion Pro is one of the best choices because it creates realistic fashion sketches using Digital Fabric. That’s a nice feature because it helps people visual more accurately what your designs are going to look like once their made. Another plus about Digital Fashion Pro is you don’t have to know how to draw to create professional fashion sketches. You can also change, manipulate and fully customize any clothing templates in this the system to make them your own. Therefore, no matter what fashion design software you go with, you will find that they make life easier and more efficient. Take your time to learn the programs and you’ll find you’ll be a digital design master in no time. Don’t be left in the Stone Age. Read the 10 steps to how to start a clothing line. Also check out our article on starting a clothing line from scratch.

Garment Sketch Design Software is a web site specializing in resources that help ordinary people become fashion designers and start their own fashion lines.

Contemporary Design Garments


Elements Of Garment Design

FYI: Manufacturers need your tech pack to make your clothing. Your tech pack mostly consist of regular sketch, technical sketch, spec sheet and any related labeling for any style. Many times new designer think they need a pattern. This is not true. Real example: Say you are working with a manufacturer outside of your state or country. Tech packs are mostly sent electronically. If you have a pattern you need to say mail to 3 or 4 manufacturers – the shipping cost could get high. In reality, most lines send a electronic tech pack to get the ball rolling and proceed from there. See one of our packages to get everything you need to get your clothing made.