
Firefox tabbing is great when you visit many sites and want to follow links with out leaving the original site. But sometimes you need to compare two or more web pages for a news article, stocks prices, photos, etc, and switching between tabs can be cumbersome.

With most applications, you can tile windows horizontally or vertically and view multiple windows at once. Firefox itself does not provide this functionality, but the Split Browser add-on takes it to a whole new level.

Sep 18, 2018 Note: SplitBrowser will not allow you to download files because it doesn't implement this fonctionality, it's just a simple Web browser. Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development. IE-Split is a Internet Explorer browser add-in that will enable you to split IE's browser Window. With IE-Split, you can drag and drop links from one frame to the other. Note: SplitBrowser will not allow you to download files because it doesn't implement this fonctionality, it's just a simple Web browser. Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development.


Split Browser extension can split the browser or tabs into separate windows in any configuration, right, left, top or bottom. Once the windows are split, you can move them to any position and open multiple tabs with-in each window.

To start splitting, either right click in the browser window and select 'Split Browser To' from the context menu, or if you selected a tab, select 'Split Tab To' and select the direction the split window should appear.

You can split the browser window or tabs into many windows as you like, but not too many, since the viewing size of each split window becomes smaller.

While viewing a web page in a split window, you can also open multiple tabs in the same fashion as Firefox does with one window open. If you want to browse somewhere else in the window, move your mouse to the tab and a search bar will appear.

When you are finished browsing in a split window, just right click and select close. Notice that the web page you had split can still be viewed in the main window from where you started to split windows.

Split Browser add-on is a nice feature to add if you need to compare multiple web pages. It will take some time getting used to, but once you are familiar with how splitting functions, you can stop tabbing back and forth and give your mouse a rest.

Download Split Browser

(Please consider sponsoring us on Patreon πŸ˜„)


Our latest release (3.12.1) for Windows:

Windows PortableApp

There is a PortableApp available, but it’s still the previous (3.12.0) release version. It should be updated to 3.12.1 over the next few days:

Note - If for any reason the standard Windows release does not work(e.g. gives an error), try a nightly build (below).

Nightly builds often fix bugs reported after the last release. πŸ˜„


Our latest release (3.12.1) for macOS:


If you prefer using Homebrew for macOS, our latest release can be installed via Homebrew Cask:

Nightly builds

Download nightly builds for Windows and macOS here:


DB Browser for SQLite works well on Linux.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux provides an up to date version

Install with the following command:


Install for Fedora (i386 and x86_64) by issuing the following command:



Note that Debian focuses more on stability rather than newest features. Therefore packages will typically contain some older version, compared to the latest release.

Update the cache using:

Install the package using:

Ubuntu and Derivatives

Stable release

For Ubuntu and derivaties, @deepsidhu1313provides a PPA with the latest release here:

To add this ppa just type in these commands in terminal:

Then update the cache using:

Install the package using:

Ubuntu 14.04.X, 15.04.X, 15.10.X and 16.04.X are supported for now (untilLaunchpad decides to discontinue building for any series).

Ubuntu Precise (12.04) and Utopic (14.10) are not supported:

  • Precise does not have a new enough Qt package in its repository by default,which is a dependency
  • Launchpad does not support Utopic any more, which has reached its End ofLife

Nightly builds

Nightly builds are available here:

To add this ppa, type these commands into the terminal:

Split Browser

Then update the cache using:

Install the package using:

Other Linux

On others, compile DB4S using the instructionsin BUILDING.md.


DB Browser for SQLite works well on FreeBSD, and there is a port for it (thanksto lbartoletti πŸ˜„). DB4S can be installedusing either this command:

Split Screen Browser

or this command:

Split Windows In Chrome

Snap packages

Split Browser Ipad

Snap Nightlies

Snap Stable