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  2. Sign In Evernote
  3. My Evernote Account

Convert Evernote.enex notebooks to Markdown. This repo contains a shell script wrapper and pre-built configuration files for the excellet Yarle utility to convert your Evernote.enex files to Markdown documents. Once your have your Evernotes in Markdown, you can then use them in something like Obsidian. You can sign up for an Evernote account by navigating to www.evernote.com. Once you have signed up for an account, you will receive a verification email. You can immediately begin utilizing Evernote to help store content in the cloud so that you can access it from anywhere you have an internet connection. Hello, Evernote keeps poping up a Security Alert warning box when in my companys network. Cant sync I understand, but the annoying warning box is totally bothering. Please find the attachments of the log file and the screen capture. Best regards, H.C. Chen Taipei, Taiwan Evernote. A brief video capture of the few steps needed to sign-up for Evernote and to send a shared message with MHS Librarian David Joyner.

Welcome to the Evernote page on Piano Pantry where you’ll find all you need in your journey with using Evernote.

Whether you’re just getting started or are a seasoned user looking to gain more tips and tricks for utilizing Evernote to its fullest potential, you’re in the right place!

Evernote Sign Up

On this page, you will find a list of every article on Piano Pantry related to using Evernote as a music teacher as well as a plethora of other resources that have helped me in my own journey to organizing my life with this valuable tool.

First things first!

Affiliate Disclaimer: Please note that Piano Pantry is part of the Evernote Community affiliate program which simply means I get a very small percentage from Evernote sign-ups (or upgrades) that come via my website (at no extra cost to you). Since I provide free content, this small amount means a lot. Thank you for your support!

Evernote Series on Piano Pantry

First, we begin with this 3-part informational series on how to use Evernote in general and within your studios (utilizing its fullest potential). Each post includes a video giving you a sneak peek inside my personal Evernote account.

Part 1 – STudio Organization

In this first video-post, see how I use Evernote specifically in my piano studio for studio newsletters, tracking active and inactive students, storing entry forms, tracking repertoire lists, and recital participation. Get inspiration for how you can make it work for your own personal workflow.

Part 2 – Web Clipper

In this short 3-minute video-post, your mind will be blown away getting a glimpse at all the various types of content formats Evernote supports. The web clipper will be your new best friend and is the tool that sets Evernote above the rest.

Part 3 – Account Features, Tagging, and More

Evernote Sign In Online

Just because it’s the final video-post in the “Evernote for the Independent Music Teacher” series doesn’t mean you should skip out! We get into the nitty-gritty in this video covering account options, the power of the tagging vs. notebook system, other apps that integrate with Evernote, and more.

Next, we have blog posts that focus on specific tasks and organizational needs within your studio that Evernote can help you with.

Organizing Piano Games with Evernote

We all have a pile of music theory games that could use a little more organization. See how one teacher uses Evernote to keep her games at her fingertips.

My evernote account

Guest post by Anita Byers.

Writing Student Evaluations Using Evernote

End-of-year evaluations are a great time to reflect on your student’s past achievements and future goals/needs. See how I use Evernote for my year-end evaluations to track student progress/history from year to year!

Other Useful Resources on Evernote

While I may be one of the first piano teachers to do in-depth tutorials on Evernote (correct me if I’m wrong!), I’m certainly not the first piano teacher to talk about the benefits of using the program. Check out what others have said over the past few years:

Natalie Weber at Music Matters Blog shares how she started using Evernote to track repertoire. She’s included screenshots and lots of details on her tagging system. Check out her post: Finally a Way to Track Repertoire!

Evernote Sign Up

Joy Morin at Color in My Pianoblog shares how she uses Evernote to track student’s progress. This is the post that inspired me to start using Evernote for things like this. Check out her post: Tracking Progress of Piano Students.

Apps I Use at Every Lesson
*Sample lesson note template.
Music Teachers Helpers Blog (Leila Viss)

Evernote – How to Track Your Students’ Progress
Advancing Musician (Marko Zirkovich)

Evernote: A Fabulous Free App for Lesson Planning
Music Matters Blog (Natalie Weber)

How to Use Evernote to Track Student Progress and Send Lesson Notes
The Collaborative Piano Blog (Chris Foley)

Indispensables of Piano Teaching #5 – Evernote
Piano Teacher Camp (Elizabeth Gutierrez)

Organize Your Projects with Evernote
Cult of Pedagogy (Jennifer Gonzalez)

My Evernote Education

Michael Hyatt was a big player in my “Evernote self-education” over the last few years. I took what I learned from him and developed a system that worked for my profession.

Check out Michael Hyatt’s posts on Evernote including 12 Surprising Ways to Use Evernote You Might Not Have Considered and How I Use Evernote: A Peek Into My Personal System.

A quote from him hits home with why using a program like this in this day and age is so important:

Information you can’t find or use isn’t information. It’s noise.
~Michael Hyatt

(If you’re interested in going a step further with Evernote, you may also consider checking out the Evernote App Center which has useful apps and products that integrate with Evernote.)

Evernote Community Leader

In order to be able to help my fellow teachers the best I can in their journey to productivity, in January 2016 I completed a training course and was accepted into Evernote’s Community Leader Program!

Being a part of this program was an important step for me because I realized if I was going to tout a tool I love so much, I wanted to be as knowledgeable as possible in order to better help my fellow teachers.

I also now have access to great resources from Evernote including branding ability and access to a Facebook group with other ECL members so I can continue learning from others.

Lastly, it also allows me to have my own affiliate referral link. Being an affiliate simply means that I can make a small amount from sign-ups at no additional cost to you

Logo Disclosure: The Evernote logo is used under the Evernote Community Leader license from Evernote Corporation.

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My Evernote Account

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